Managing Stinging Insects In Commercial Facilities

Yellow jackets, paper wasps, honey bees, carpenter bees, and bald faced hornets are some of the stinging insects that might make an unwelcome appearance in and around commercial facilities.

While some stinging insects are beneficial to our environment, others pose a threat to employees, customers and vendors. According to the National Pest Management Association, stinging insects send more than 500,000 people to the emergency room each year due to allergic reactions.

Stinging insects call a variety of locations in and around a commercial facility home including trees and bushes, building corners and overhangs, gutters, garbage and recycling dumpsters, wall voids, loading docks, and outdoor dining areas (patios and decks). The Sprague Pest Experts offer the following tips for keeping stinging insects in check this summer:

Identify It Correctly

There are many kinds of beneficial flies that closely resemble wasps, and there are many kinds of “solitary” wasps, such as sand wasps, which also look exactly the same as yellow jackets but that pose a much lower risk. Be sure to make a proper identification before starting a treatment.

Take Away the Source of the Infestation

Removing a stinging insect’s source of food, water and shelter is the first step toward preventing these pests from becoming a problem. Maintaining good sanitation protocols is a must and include cleaning up food and grease spills in outdoor dining and cooking areas; using tight fitting lids on garbage and recycling containers, and emptying them on a regular basis; and covering food waiting to be prepared in sealed containers. 

Use Exclusion Techniques

Seal exterior cracks and crevices to prevent stinging insects from entering a structure and building nests; eliminate moisture sources; and make sure window, door and ventilation screens do not have openings in them.   

Commercial Properties, Stinging Insects: Bees, Hornets & Mosquitos