Meet May! Second Bed Bug Inspecting Canine Joins Sprague Team

For Sprague’s Bed Bug Canine Inspection team, May has already arrived this year. May, the bed bug sniffing dog, that is! Joining her big sister, April, as the company’s second bed bug canine, May is busy this week seeking out bed bugs in Seattle area hotels and apartments.

“Bed bug canines give us a tremendous advantage in the battle against bed bugs because the bugs can’t hide. When this advantage is combined with the best treatment technology available to solve bed bug problems, our clients find relief and peace of mind,” said Carrie Thibodeaux, Sprague’s Director of Client Experience.

May is a certified bed bug canine dog whose handler, Miriah Tucker, is a veteran dog handler. Expect to see them out in the Northwest community seeking out bed bugs in lodging and multi-unit housing properties, schools, health care and assisted living facilities and even office buildings.

For more information on our Bed Bug Canine Inspection services, click HERE.

Sprague News, Team Member News