Raising Your Rodent Awareness

The threats to commercial facilities from rodents are significant from both a public health and economic standpoint. The Sprague Pest Experts ask you to consider the following facts:

•    Mice can produce a new litter of up to a dozen offspring every three weeks

•    Mice drop up to 25,000 bacteria laden fecal pellets each year – that is 70 times a day – and urinate up to 3,000 times in a single day?

Rodent droppings and urine can trigger allergies and asthma; contaminate food, seed, food preparation surfaces and equipment; and spread harmful bacteria including E. coli and salmonella.  Rodents can also chew through wood, drywall and electrical wiring increasing the risk for fires.

These facts place the spotlight on the very real and ever-present threat rodents pose to commercial facilities ranging from commercial bakeries to seafood processing plants and from seed storage facilities to retail outlets. 

The Sprague Pest Experts and pest management professionals across the United States recognize October 23-29 as National Rodent Awareness Week and want you to know the first step to a successful rodent management program is denial. 

Making your facility a rodent-free zone by denying them access to the food, water and harborage they seek is a specialty of Sprague Pest Solutions’ rodent experts. We use the latest technology and methods to keep rodents from gaining access to structures both big and small, and new and old. 

    Make sure that to use quality exclusion materials installed by a trained expert is done or you will be wasting your time and money.

    All rodent entry pathways entering or connecting to structures at ground level, below ground and above ground are carefully inspected and sealed to prevent entry.

    Look up – most rodent exclusion programs forget to cover a structure’s roof – one of the most common entry points for rodents with its multiple vents and utility openings.

    Keep the door closed – be sure overhead doors have sturdy weather-stripping installed to deny rodents access.

    Keep the landscape around your facility to a minimum and well-maintained. Overgrown shrubs and grass provide the perfect cover for rodents looking for a way in.

    Don’t underestimate a rodent’s ability to gain access to a building; they only an opening of a ¼ inch to make their way inside.


Rodents: Rats & Mice