Small Fly Infestations Can Result In Big Problems

A fly in the soup, literally and figuratively, is a bad sign for food processing or service facilities. It puts the customers at risk for transmission of bacteria that cause food borne illness. Besides ruining the brand name and bottom line, they will also be steeped with regulatory action from local, state or federal agencies.
Preventing and eliminating flies in commercial kitchens and food processing facilities is an ongoing challenge for facility managers in food. Small flies (drain or fruit flies) in commercial kitchens and food processing facilities might be small in size but they can bring along big problems. Flies are ready transmitters of diseases such as E. coli, salmonella, or listeria as they transfer harmful bacteria on food, kitchen counters and food preparation surfaces after feeding on waste materials.
Drain and fruit flies breed in stagnant liquid that builds up in clogged drains and garbage containers. Prolific breeders, the flies will hover in large numbers –in and around their breeding location.
Proper cleaning of the drain – all the way to the drain trap where food materials and waste materials build up – and maintaining good sanitation protocols are essential to prevent flies from establishing a breeding site. 
Small Fly Prevention Tips from Sprague’s Pest Prevention experts:
  • As part of your sanitation protocols, perform regular deep cleaning of your equipment

  • Wipe off moisture inside the kitchen and food preparation areas

  • Partner with your facility’s maintenance staff to ensure drains are cleaned regularly 

The physical repair and maintenance of the facility can prevent fly activity:
  • Seal cracks and openings in foundations

  • Replace exterior lighting around doors with halogen or sodium vapor bulbs that are less attractive to pests

  • Install door sweeps and air doors

  • Repair screens on windows and ventilation openings

Flies & Moths