The National Pest Management Association recently released its Bug Barometer for the fall and winter season, and here is what it had to say about what to expect in the months ahead when it comes to pests in the Pacific Northwest.
The fall season traditionally sees insects and rodents starting to seek their overwinter residences but with this summer’s intense heat and dry conditions the migration has already started as ants, rodents and other exterior dwelling pests actively seek to gain access to structures in search of food, water and harborage.
Bug Barometer: Pacific Northwest Region
The ongoing drought conditions and extreme heat experienced by much of this region in the spring continued into the summer months, with July setting records for heat in Portland, Seattle and Spokane. While heat is a favorable condition for pest populations, extreme heat without accompanying rain is less so. One benefit is that tick and mosquito populations are currently reported to be low in this region, and will likely remain down this fall. Although the lower levels of rainfall during the summer months likely didn’t help ant colonies grow significantly, the search for moisture and shelter may drive an increase in the number of ants seeking shelter indoors as temperatures decrease and daylight shortens.
Dr. Jim Fredericks, vice president of technical and regulatory affairs for the National Pest Management Association, appeared on the Weather Channel discussing this fall’s pest forecast including what the Pacific Northwest region can expect. Watch the interview at
To view the Bug Barometer infographic visit