Vermin Here, Vermin There – Vermin Everywhere?

What are the most vermin-infested cities in the United States? According to a recent report in Bloomberg, New Orleans and Philadelphia topped the charts when it came to being the most cockroach and rodent infested cities in the country. How did major metropolitan areas that Sprague Pest Solutions services fare in the survey?

When it came to cockroaches Denver ranked 19th and Portland, Oregon was 23rd on the list of cities where the filthy insects were most prevalent. When it came to rodents, Portland and Denver ranked 8th and 9th, respectively, and Seattle was 21st

The findings were based on the federal government’s American Housing Survey (AHS) that queried consumers on a number of topics including if they have seen evidence of cockroaches, rats or mice in their homes.

What does this mean for Sprague’s commercial clients? It means staying vigilant with their facility’s pest management programs, especially when it comes to developing and practicing good sanitation protocols.

It also should encourage facility and property managers to take preemptive exclusionary measures including correcting any structural issues (i.e. openings in the foundation, installing door sweeps, adjusting lighting and air flow, etc.) and making sure operational practices such as inspecting incoming shipments and practicing first-in, first-out inventory methods are followed.

If you need assistance developing or reshaping your pest management programs, give the Sprague Pest Experts a call and we can get you headed in the right direction.   

Rodents: Rats & Mice