We’re all friends in Central Washington

We service a variety of businesses from health care facilities, restaurants and grocery/retail stores to wineries, food processing plants and agricultural locations.

Our service team at the Pasco branch is filled with different personalities. We are spread out across a large service area, but we all keep in touch and try to remain as close as possible. It is always nice when we get together for meetings because they are not as formal as you may think. Everybody has fun, yet knows when to be serious. We incorporate games into our meetings and training to keep things educational yet fun and entertaining. It is always great to share stories with each other because we’re all friends and willing to help each other out with jobs. One of the many great things about working at the Pasco branch: we do not work for a boss in Pasco, but a LEADER.

What do We Love About Sprague?

“I have worked for Sprague for about 3 1/2 years now and I have loved every bit of it. Sprague is a company that loves to take care of their employees. Sprague provides great benefits and competitive wages. Whether it be healthcare benefits or vacation or the cool truck that I get to drive, I feel very blessed to have the options that I have been provided. I never thought that I would be able to find a job with a schedule that is so flexible and still be able to get 40 hours a week. I have always been extremely impressed with the leadership of the company with how they take a personal interest in getting to know each and every employee. They have made me feel like I am a contributing asset to the company and not just another employee who was working just to get a paycheck. For me, Sprague is definitely a place where I feel like I have found a career. I always will recommend to people that they look into Sprague when looking for a new job.” – Andrew Smith, Technician

“The thing that I really enjoy about Sprague is that they take great care you. It is a family feeling and the flexibility of our schedules is a great way to be able to keep your family a priority. Great benefits, 401K, personal and vacation time are a total added bonus (not to mention the great company vehicles that we get to drive). Training never stops, so we are always learning more about our industry and how to take great care of our clients. Sprague puts a lot of money into the company to make sure that we are always taken care of. Ever since joining the company in 2013, I have never felt like an employee, but an actual valuable member of a team. I know that I can call anybody within the entire company if I ever need advice, help or anything else. Sprague is truly a company that takes family and teamwork very serious and always makes you feel secure. This isn’t like most companies where you will never know or meet the higher-ups at the home office. Our home office staff visits often to not only share exciting news about the company and industry, but also to get to know us. Sprague takes great pride in their employees.” – Brent Schafer

Sprague News